Parent Talk N°4 : Arthur
Can you introduce yourself, your first name, where you live and what you do for a living? How many children do you have?
My name is Arthur. I live in Anglet in the Basque Country. I am an entrepreneur. I have two
children, Oscar and Joséphine, three and a half years old and almost two years old.
How would you describe your life with them?
Lots of ups, difficult sleeps but also some peaceful nights. Lots of moments of laugh, complicity together. Quite a few outbursts of anger, sadness... that kind of thing. We learn as we go along but what's for sure, it's an emotional rollercoaster.
What's your favorite way to care for them? Why is that? What makes you love these moments?
The care I can give them is more about caring, cuddles, little tickles, foot massages at bedtime to create some complicity and relieve the tensions of the day.
These are moments together, between them and me that I cherish. I hope they appreciate them too.
How do you want them to grow up?
The most important thing for me is that they are happy, proud of who they are and what they do. I would also like (maybe more my expectations) that they do something that has a positive impact on the world, around them, that they achieve great things. Not in terms of career or money but that they create well-being, light around them. But above all, happiness is
the most important thing.
How do you think care can contribute to this?
Beyond care itself (like products, food...), what seems important to me is that the healthier
these are, the better the compositions, the manufacturing methods, the more we put them in
a positive approach for the future. I believe this is something that needs to be made aware of
early on. Tomorrow, they themselves will raise awareness among people around them. It's a
long-term impact approach for them but also for us.
When it comes to bath time, in your family is it rather Amour (love) or Tempête (storm)?
It's a bit of both. A lot of storms because it's all over the place but also a lot of love. We have fun, we make bubbles, foam. But yes, it often happens that there is a lot of water outside the bath at the end !